Bracketing in photography is a technique that involves taking multiple photos of a scene while changing one or more parameters (focus, white balance, flash, etc.).

Bracketing in photography is a technique that involves taking multiple photos of a scene while changing one or more parameters (focus, white balance, flash, etc.). It is especially useful when it comes to HDR photography, which is much more common. In photography terms, when you talk about bracketing, it is always related to exposure. It is an option found on most DSLR cameras and has become easier to use over the years
How to bracket in photography?
Nowadays, to do bracketing in photography, it is generally enough to go to your camera's menu to select the bracketing mode and associate the desired exposure intervals with it. The bracketing technique in photography can be done manually or automatically. Given the simplicity of this tool, it is recommended to use automatic exposure bracketing. This option is generally available on all entry-level DSLR cameras and its setting depends on the camera brand.
Using Bracketing for HDR Photography
As you can see, bracketing allows photographers to directly take three images with different exposures, including an underexposed, properly exposed, and overexposed image. Overlaying these three images in photo editing software allows you to have a much greater dynamic range than a single image. Shadows are also exposed correctly. HDR photography is generally criticized because it can quickly give photos an unrealistic look. To maintain a natural look and avoid overdoing it, it is best to use three images with different exposures and not overdo the colors in the image.
What parameters should you consider when bracketing?
Exposure bracketing only works in Av or Tv or S, P or M modes. If you use Av or Tv mode, be aware that the camera will change another parameter (shutter speed or aperture) to adjust the exposure. As a result, the shutter speed or depth of field may change.